Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Revolve Tour 2009!


What a blessing it is to be apart of this young ladies ministry! Last weekend Mrs. Lisa and I took the girls to the All Access Girls Only Revolve Tour. Thank the Lord for Mrs. Lisa's availability and patience. She was with the girls most of the time because I was working a booth for the tour.

The girls had a blast. It was such a fun concert filled weekend. My heart is filled with Joy as I watch these girls grow. I learn so much from them as they yearn to be women of proverbs 31.

The girls enjoyed each others company listening the Chad Eastham speak on "guys" and Natalie Grant speak about the "All Access Pass".

Way to let your hair down girls!

It's nice to relax and be in the arms of your best friends for a whole weekend!

All Beauty Queens! On the Inside and Out!

Who needs guys?

Some of my most favorite girls in the whole world! We can't wait until the next all girls event!

Monday, February 2, 2009


A day that will go down in history!
Not only for the Pittsburgh Steelers, but also for the Young Guns at the 2009 Chili Bowl. Every year the girls get together and play a powderpuff football game before the guys game. For the first year Shelsea was the coach for the blue team. She did an amazing job coaching and supporting her team. The score was 20 to 6 in favor of the blue team. We all had a wonderful time and are looking forward to next year.
Thank you to all of the beautiful girls that came out to play!

As for the Young Guns and the Grumpy Old Men.
For the past 3 years the Grumpy Old Men have blown the Young Guns out of the water. This year the tables were turned. The Grumpy Old Men put up a very good fight and made it difficult for the Young Guns to succeed, but they did. Not only did the Young Guns win, they won by nearly doubling the score 40 to 24. Good job Young Guns! Keep up the great team work for next year!
Also, thank you referees for judging and making such tough calls. It's a hard job, but someones gotta do it.
Most importantly thank you fans! The players couldn't have done it with out you!

Game ball went to Clayton, the most valuable player on the Young Guns team. He was the quarter back and led his team with great endurance and accurate passes. Good job Clayton! You are such a champ!

After the Chili Bowl we hosted a Super Bowl watching party. We had good company and food. The game was amazing and the crowd was enthusiastic. I took pictures of some of our guests. What a good looking bunch! Thank you to those of you who came and enjoyed the day with us!

- 7 -14 -

This week The Dolphins played the Buccaneers. It was a good game, but it was freezing cold outside. Aside from the weather Jamison made a "tackle" and was a very supportive team member (as always). Although, the Dolphins were ready to win, the Buccs were very competitive and won by a touch down. Jamison's head was still held high and is looking forward to playing again next week!

Monday, January 26, 2009

PartyLite Show

Mom and I hosted a Candle Partylite Show this past Saturday. We invited all of our girlfriends and had a wonderful time. Besides the good company and finger foods, Joanie (our party lite rep) had an amazing selection of candles to order. It was some much needed girl time and I'm glad we decided to host the night. We had a great turn out!
Following are some pictures of the beautiful ladies that joined us for the Candle Show.

- 20 - 14 -

Although last week I didn't get any pictures of Jamison's game his team lost 6 to 12. However, this week his team beat the Giants 20 to 14. It was a great game and Jamison of course looked better than ever in that #15 jersey. Here are a couple pictures of him and his team. Oh, and did I mention daddy is the Assistant Coach? He does an amazing job whoopin' those boys into shape for the game on Sundays.

Jamison is such an encouraging team mate!

Monday, January 12, 2009

- 25 - 00 -

Jamison had his first football game of the season. He was amazing as always. His team beat the other 25 to 00. GO JAMISON! He is on team Dolphins wearing number 15. He looks so cute in his uniform... He's so hansdome.

Here is a picture of him playing defense. He pulled the flag (AKA Tackle)!

Christmas Bone

I'm just saying... On Christmas morning before everyone started opening presents I gave my Tuff dog his 3 footlong present. He loved it! For a whole few days... It didn't take him very long to finish it, but he sure loved it while it lasted.

T'was the night before Christmas...

T'was the night before Christmas and everyone gathered around to watch the All Stars play Rock Band! Jamison got Rock Band and Guitar Hero World Tour. We had such a fun time being in a rock band.

Jamison dominated on the microphone and Katie and I switched off from the drums and the guitar. We slept very well that Cristmas eve waiting for Santa to come ;-)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Birthday Glory!

My birthday! I had such an amazing time with friend and family. Dad and Grampa slaved away on the grill while Mom was in the kitchen. They hosted such a fabulous day all for my 21st birthday. The ribbs and sides were delicious, the company was warm, and the presents were top-notch. Really! Thank you to everyone who shared this lovely day with me. It meant a lot to have such an outstanding outcome.

Following are some of the pictures that captured the day!

I was exhausted by the end of my birthday day party day... but it was so worth it!


I like my baby brother so much. He is so handsome! We are taking lovely pictures in front of our Christmas tree before we head off to The Live Christmas Tree show.
(He would never admit it, but I think he likes it deep down on the inside. ;-)